As my friend Marri would say, you were a superb year.
You brought so many blessings, I couldn't even count them all. From January 1 to December 31, you were a collection of wrestlings and fightings and praise and grace and joy and blessings. And I couldn't be more grateful for you.
What came in your days was a lot of love that drove me to my knees. And then once I got there, I wasn't sure what to do or say and then couldn't see. But underneath the layers of confusion and fear, was freedom. A most sweet kind of freedom that sings sweet riches of worth in Jesus. Boldly approach the throne of grace.
Thanks for reminding me that our God is always, continuously, never ceasing, forevermore a good, good God.
Thanks for reminding me that our God is always, continuously, never ceasing, forevermore a good, good God.
I love my new apartment. I love my new job. I love my boss. I love my life group. I love my corner. I love myself. I didn't just survive you, 2012. We thrived together - through all that was disguised as trial and came out as a deep blessing of the Father. Because, you know, He's most concerned with heart and our eternal character. There's always something bigger happening in the bigger picture, always.
You were messy, 2012. Wonderfully messy. Thanks for showing me that the fight's worth it.
Love, Lindsay