Last week, at Starbucks, I overheard one barista talking to the other and she asked her -
"what's the first thing you said this morning?"
"what's the last thing you said last night?"
If you know me, you know I don't let stuff like that pass by easily.
What interesting questions!
and it struck me then, and it's struck me ever since. And all the time, I think, how am I starting my days? What is the first thing I am saying? What am I setting my heart and mind on? How am I laying myself to rest at night? What's the last thing I am saying?
It really is important, if you think about it. It really is important what I am saying last and it really is important what I am saying first. It's important how I start, what direction I choose to put my feet down, if I set my mind on Gospel peace. It's important how I end, at night when thoughts can run free. It's game changer important.
I have spent a fruitful amount of time this spring and summer learning a new abundant, life giving freedom. I am set free by the work of Christ.
And lately, I feel the Lord telling me - continuously, over and over - STAND FIRM.
It's all over the Bible.
One of my favorite Biblical men is Moses. He was called by God with burning bushes and staffs turned to snakes to lead the Israelites out of Egyptian captivity. He says no, please send someone else, and God is faithful to mold him into a powerful leader.
And after the Israelites have been freed from Pharaoh and the Egyptians are pursuing, God's people start to panic.
They've tasted freedom, but they're not so sure now.
And as silly as it sounds, they state that maybe they should have just stayed in Egypt. They're so unsure! And although it seems silly, maybe it's the way we all react. We've tasted freedom, over and over, the goodness of the rescuing grace of God. And then our sinfulness says WAIT. We're in hot pursuit! God are you still there?
And the Lord says to Moses and Moses says to the people STAND FIRM. Fear not. He will fight for you. The Lord will hem in you from behind and before.
And then it comes again in the Armor of God of Ephesians 6. Paul writes, dress yourself, clothe yourself, arm yourself. The helmet, the shield, breastplate, belt, sword, shoes. And then stand firm, you must stand firm. Guard yourself in prayer. In all things, everywhere, at all times.
And then in 1 Corinthians 16 and 2 Thessalonians 1 and 1 Peter 5 and Philippians 4 and 2 Chronicles 20 and Isaiah 46. The principle, the idea, the cry of stand firm. It's everywhere in the Holy Word because it matters.
Because isn't standing firm just remembering? Remembering what the Lord has done? Remembering the freedom found in the life, death, and resurrection of His Son Jesus?
Isn't standing firm just remembering who God is?
And so to answer the barista's question.
I am disciplining myself to think on standing firm. To say it to myself when my eyes open, when my feet hit the floor, when I greet each day. To remember, as I walk out the door, what the Lord has done. Stand firm in that armor.
And then when I finish each day, before I even have to take thoughts captive, remember to stand firm in my set free status. Live and express gratitude for a freedom in a life that's been set free. Stand firm in the Lord.
stand firm in freedom. remember what the Lord has done.