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Saturday, September 1, 2012


The words of Jesus in John 15. I am the vine, you are the branches. Apart from me, you can do nothing! In me, you will bear much fruit. Remain in me. Remain in my love. Remain in me.

In a time of waiting. In a time when direction is sought, when we hope for something, when we hold fear at bay. When we are learning bold living. Practicing the daily putting on of the armor of God and living fully in the land and possessions He has given.

Stand firm. Abide.

And all day today, that has whispered deep to me.

Abide. now. Abide now. Answer, answer now. Live obedient to Him.

Just this past Thursday, in the lobby of church, a woman and her friend walked up and looked like they were looking for something. Could I let them in the prayer room? And after I let them in and turned to go, one of the women asked, 'is there anything we can be praying for you today, friend?'
In my surprise, I said the first thing I could think of. 'I'm starting my grad school classes this Tuesday.' And they respond like I have just said the greatest thing, lots of praise Jesus! and that's so great!

and then one of them looks me right in the eye and says
'I pray for you the confidence of Christ and for you to have the mind of Christ.'

makes me tear up every time.
the confidence and mind of Christ.

And Ann Voskamp writes, "How else can there ever be a song? Unless you answer the call of God? That's the only rhythm that can make music: to do the will of the One whose heart beats at the center of the cosmos. Regardless of what anyone thinks of us. Maybe the genuine followers of Christ always march to their own drum - Thrum: I will walk with God. Thrum: Even if I walk different than everyone else."

pray and walk and dance and sing and make music and stand firm and put on armor and remain in His love.

When my mind races to WHAT DO I DO. BUT WHAT DO I DO. I hear a voice that says abide. Just abide. Just abide in Me.


  1. the confidence and mind of Christ. amazing, i love it. thanks for this, Linds! perfect timing for me and G to hear this :)

  2. amazing, isn't it? love you sister - praying the confidence and mind of Christ over you!
